by Bostec | Apr 19, 2017 | Alcohol testing, Drug Facts, Drug Testing, Teenage Drug Use
According to a recently released report, alcohol use among teenagers is down from a decade ago, but the use of marijuana and other drugs is on the rise. The good news is that alcohol use among 12th graders in Washington state continues to decline. Thirty-two percent...
by Bostec | Jul 19, 2016 | Alcohol testing, Drug Facts, Drug Testing
Why go through the trouble of establishing a drug-free workplace? For starters, it’s not that much trouble. But more importantly, evidence is overwhelming that drug-free workplaces are healthier, happier and more efficient workplaces. The Substance Abuse and Mental...
by Bostec | Mar 17, 2016 | Drug Facts, Drug Testing, Home Use, Teenage Drug Use, Uncategorized
“Addictions, particularly heroin addictions, cross all socioeconomic classes, all ethnicities, rural, urban.” ~ Penny Legate, news media personality and parent of a child who died from a heroin overdose In 2015, more than 200 people died from heroin...
by Bostec | Jan 28, 2016 | Drug Testing, Home Use, Teenage Drug Use
Researchers at National Institute on Drug Abuse report a variety of reasons—drug users may feel peer pressure to try new things, they may have been looking for relief from anxiety or stress, or they may have thought drugs would help improve their athletic performance....