The reasons to implement a solid drug-testing program at work are legion. Improving the company image, ensuring compliance with state and federal laws, lowering healthcare costs and many more.
When Whatcom County companies come to Bostec for help starting and running their workplace drug-testing programs, we consistently hear three motivating reasons: keep people safe, help them feel better about their jobs, and help them understand just what it is that we’re trying to prevent.
So, while there are many reasons that companies might want to test for drugs at work, let’s go into more detail on those three reasons in particular:
Protect people. A well-run workplace drug program can ensure that employees don’t use drugs, and that in turn can go a long way to helping keep customers, the public and employees safe. Employees who use drugs at work or who work while under the influence pose a serious safety risk for everyone. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 68 percent of on-the-job accidents and up to half of workers’ compensation claims can be attributed to the use of drugs and/or alcohol in the workplace.
Keep everyone educated and supported. An oft-forgotten piece of a great workplace drug-testing program is the educational component. One of the roles of a program like this is to help employees understand the nature of drug addiction, the negative effects of drug use, the harmful impacts of drugs on work and home, and more. That old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” applies well here. A good drug testing program gives employees the tools and support they need to avoid drugs in the first place — or to stay off them once clean — and than can make a big difference toward creating a great work environment. Comprehensive drug testing programs also include components of supervisor training, access to assistance for employees and more.
Improve morale. A safe work environment in which all employees can perform their best can translate to a positive, happy team with good working relationships. And because the program includes elements of supervisor training, access to employee assistance, education, empowerment and more, a good drug testing program can help employees feel like they’re well-supported by their workplace. A healthy team working under supervisors who care about them at a company that has employees’ best interests at heart — all elements conspire to boost employee morale.
Bostec has been helping local Whatcom County companies just like yours implement workplace drug testing programs for decades. We offer support in setting up a written policy, and we train supervisors to understand drug use and to recognize the signs that an employee might need help quitting drugs. We offer assistance with the drug testing itself, too, and can send a mobile unit to your Bellingham workplace — or anywhere in Whatcom County, for that matter — to conduct drug testing right there on the spot.
If you have any questions or want to explore what it would take to get started, just reach out the experts at Bostec.