Latest Bostec news:
Reasonable Suspicion Class Empowers Supervisors
If you suspect an employee of misusing drugs or alcohol, you might be apprehensive about voicing your concerns; Most of us don’t enjoy confrontation, and we don’t want to say the wrong thing and end up with a disgruntled employee. Fortunately, there are a few things...
Psychedelics are about to receive FDA approval – Should employers be concerned?
In 2023, the FDA will grant breakthrough status to Psilocybin – the drug compound found in magic mushrooms – for the treatment of depression. Breakthrough status is a special designation that allows for the fast-tracking of a drug when initial evidence shows it to be...
The Makings of a Fair Random Selection Process
All DOT Random Drug Testing Programs should use methods that are scientifically verifiable and unbiased, with each employee having an equal chance of being tested every time a random selection is made. Bostec Inc. uses a software program called RandomWare, created by...